Takeyabu (Bamboo Fence)

May 17, 2016 20:49
Today, I will talk about a tongue twister that I can't say.

"Kono takegaki ni take tatekaketano ha take tatekaketakatta kara take tatekaketa."
(The reason why I leaned a bamboo against this bamboo fence is because I wanted to lean a bamboo, so I leaned a bamboo.)

Although it's easy to say "take" and "tatekakeru" respectively, it's very hard for me to say them consecutively, like "take tatekakeru."

This sentence is very popular as a tongue twister, but I think this is a little unnatural as Japanese.

I guess if I were in this situation, I would say something like:

"Kono takegaki ni take wo tatekaketa riyu ha, tada tan ni sositakatta kara desu."
(The reason why I leaned a bamboo against this bamboo fence is because just I wanted to do so.)






No. 1 nateenglishlab 's correction
  • This sentence is very popular as a tongue twister, but I think this is a little unnatural as Japanese.
  • This sentence is very popular as a tongue twister, but I think this it sounds is a little unnatural as in Japanese.
Hahaha....the last sentence made me want to say 「なんでやねん!」 hahaha...cuz, well, you know why.

One thing, in English we might specify what kind of bamboo, like "a bamboo tree" or bamboo stalk" or something, but maybe not! Just FYI.
Thank you very much for correcting my post!
The last sentence is no longer a tongue twister, haha.
And thank you for letting me know the information about English :)
No. 2 Kwang Ming (クアン ミン)'s correction
  • Today, I will talk about a tongue twister that I can't say.
  • Today, I will talk about a tongue twister that I struggle with.
     Gives a better sense of difficulty.
  • "Kono takegaki ni take tatekaketano ha take tatekaketakatta kara take tatekaketa."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • (The reason why I leaned a bamboo against this bamboo fence is because I wanted to lean a bamboo, so I leaned a bamboo.)
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • Although it's easy to say "take" and "tatekakeru" respectively, it's very hard for me to say them consecutively, like "take tatekakeru."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • This sentence is very popular as a tongue twister, but I think this is a little unnatural as Japanese.
  • This sentence is very popular as a tongue twister, but it's a little unnatural in Japanese.
  • I guess if I were in this situation, I would say something like:
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • "Kono takegaki ni take wo tatekaketa riyu ha, tada tan ni sositakatta kara desu."
  • This sentence is perfect! No correction needed!
  • (The reason why I leaned a bamboo against this bamboo fence is because just I wanted to do so.)
  • (The reason why I leaned a bamboo against this bamboo fence is because just I just wanted to do so.)
Even in English, tongue twisters, like poems, are usually unnatural. But they are fun in a class, and in your example, rather difficult to get right.

I never knew about that tongue twister and honestly, my tongue's getting twisted just trying to speak proper Japanese. haha.
Thank you so much for correcting my post!
Yes, I feel that many tongue twisters seem to pursue difficulty.
If you can this tongue twister smoothly, you may become a broadcaster in Japan, haha.